Drink Gippy Tap for health

Gippsland Water is encouraging the community to stay hydrated with tap water instead of sugary drinks or bottled water with its new educational campaign.
Drink Gippy Tap promotes tap water as the drink of choice for its health, environmental and financial benefits.
Managing director Sarah Cumming said the campaign was developed in response to community feedback received during the development of its 2023-28 price submission to the Essential Services Commission.
“Our customers told us they wanted us to scale up our efforts to promote the benefits of drinking tap water,” Ms Cumming said.
“Tap water is the best way to stay hydrated.
“It’s better for the environment and cheaper than single-use plastic water bottles.
“By carrying a reusable drink bottle and filling it up with tap water, you can help reduce the amount of plastic going to landfill and save the resources that go into manufacturing plastic.
“Our tap water is some of the best in the world. It comes to your taps from local rivers, streams, aquifers and reservoirs before travelling through our treatment plants.
“We even have free water fountains throughout our service area to make it easy for the community to refill their water bottles out and about.”
As part of the campaign, Gippsland Water will attend select local events to share the Drink Gippy Tap message through educational games, with reusable drink bottles and drink bottle stickers on offer for community participants.
In the last 10 years, Gippsland Water has donated more than 50 public drinking fountains across its service area.
To find out more about Drink Gippy Tap, visit: www.gippswater.com.au/tap