Incidents and emergencies

Stay up to date on current incidents and emergencies in our service area.

Extreme wind event

Monday 9 September 11.45am 

Thanks for your help Cowwarr, Glengarry, Neerim South, Noojee, Rawson, Toongabbie and Tyers.

We’re happy to advise that water conservation measures are now lifted.

Our water storages are filling following the widespread power outages and are now able to meet demand. While we're headed in the right direction, please continue to be water-wise while our systems recover.

Thanks for helping us conserve water over the last few days - every drop counts.

Please help us spread the word by sharing this message.

Previous updates

Friday 6 September 12.30pm

Thanks Noojee, Neerim South, Rawson, Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cowwarr for helping us conserve water while we replenish our water storages after widespread power outages. You’ve made a big difference. 

There’s more windy, stormy weather expected today. Keep holding off on non-essential outdoor water use over the weekend like washing cars and using high pressure hoses. Normal indoor water use is fine. 

We’ll update you all again Monday unless the situation changes. Stay safe and thanks everyone. 

Thursday 5 September 10.45am

Tyers, Glengarry, Tooongabbie, and Cowwarr - put off non essential outdoor water use

The situation remains the same. Please continue to hold off on any non-essential water use. Normal indoor water use is fine but hold off on outdoor use like busting out high pressure hoses and washing down outdoor surfaces.

We’ll update you again tomorrow unless the situation changes.

Noojee - put off non essential outdoor water use

The situation remains the same. Please continue to hold off on any non-essential water use. Normal indoor water use is fine but hold off on outdoor use like busting out high pressure hoses and washing down outdoor surfaces.

We’ll update you again tomorrow unless the situation changes.

Neerim South and Rawson - put off non essential outdoor water use

We now have mains power to the Rawson water treatment plant. Please continue to hold off on any non-essential water use. Normal indoor water use is fine but hold off on outdoor use like busting out high pressure hoses and washing down outdoor surfaces.

We’ll update you again tomorrow unless the situation changes.

Wednesday 4 September 5.00pm

Tyers, Glengarry, Tooongabbie, and Cowwarr - put off non essential water use

We’re continuing to ask customers in Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cowwarr to put off non-essential water use if you can.

We now have mains power to the Tyers water treatment plant and water storages are refilling but will take some time to fully recover. 

As we carefully transition back to business as usual, please continue to help us out by holding off any non-essential water use for the time being.

Normal indoor use is fine, but please continue to hold off on outdoor use like busting out high pressure hoses and washing down outdoor surfaces until further advised.

Customers can be reassured their water is still safe to drink. 

We’ll update you again tomorrow.

Noojee - put off non essential water use

We're happy to report that our Noojee pump stations have mains power.  

As we carefully transition back to business as usual, please continue to help us out by holding off any non-essential water use for the time being.

Normal indoor use is fine, but please continue to hold off on outdoor use like busting out high pressure hoses and washing down outdoor surfaces until further advised.

Neerim South and Rawson - put off non essential water use

We're happy to report that the mains power has been restored to the Neerim South water treatment plant and the Rawson water treatment plant is running on generator power. 

Please continue to help us out by holding off any non-essential water use for the time being.

Customers can be reassured their water is still safe to drink. 

Tuesday 3 September 4.00 pm

We’re continuing to ask customers living in Noojee to limit their water use to drinking purposes only.

Customers living in Rawson, Erica, Neerim South, Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cowwarr, we still need your help putting off any non-essential water use to help reduce load on our water treatment plants

We’ll continue working to replenish our water storages overnight. We're carting water and quite a few of our sites are operating on a generator due to power outages.

We’ll provide an update in the morning, or if anything changes.

If you’re experiencing any issues with your water or wastewater services, call our faults and emergencies line on 1800 057 057.

Tuesday 3 September 2.00 pm

We’re asking customers in Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie and Cowwarr to consider putting off any non-essential water use if you can.

Ongoing power outages at our Tyers water treatment plant mean we’re currently drawing down on treated water storages.

Rest assured, the water coming from your tap is still safe to drink.

You can help by taking a shorter shower (aim for 4 minutes), and avoiding using baths, washing cars, watering gardens and using high pressure hoses if you live in Tyers, Glengarry, Toongabbie or Cowwarr.

If you have any concerns with your water or wastewater services, call us on 1800 057 057.

We’ll provide another update by 4.30pm today.

Tuesday 3 September 10.30am

We’re urging customers in Noojee to conserve water until further notice.

Ongoing power outages mean we can’t pump water to the town at the usual rate and we’re drawing down on the treated water storage.

We’re carting water in to top up supplies, so please take care if you notice water trucks around the town.

For now, please limit your tap water use to drinking purposes only.

Rest assured, the water coming from your tap is still safe to drink.

Tuesday 3 September 10.30 am

We’re asking customers in Neerim South and Rawson to consider putting off any non-essential water use if you can.

Ongoing power outages at our Neerim South water treatment plant and Rawson water treatment plant mean we’re currently drawing down on treated water storages.

Rest assured, the water coming from your tap is still safe to drink.

You can help by taking a shorter shower (aim for 4 minutes), and avoiding using baths, washing cars, watering gardens and using high pressure hoses if you live in Neerim South and Rawson.

If you have any concerns with your water or wastewater services, call us on 1800 057 057.

We’ll provide another update by 4.30pm today.

Monday 2 September 4.45pm

Our water and wastewater services remain unaffected despite many of our treatment plants and operational sites being without power. 

You can help keep our services running by putting off non-essential water use for the time being. 

We’ll update you again tomorrow at 10.00am.

Monday 2 September 2.35pm

We’re still experiencing power outages at many of our treatment plants and operational sites. 

At this stage, water and wastewater services aren’t affected. 

However, our systems are under stress from widespread power outages with many sites running on generators. We may need to ask our community to put off non-essential water use in some locations.

We’ll provide another update by 4.30pm today.

Monday 2 September 10.25am

We’re currently responding to widespread power interruptions caused by the extreme winds. 

Many of our treatment plants and systems are without mains power in the central and western parts of our region, which could affect our ability to maintain normal service levels in these areas.

At this stage, our water and wastewater services aren’t impacted. However, the situation is ongoing and could change throughout the day.

The safety of our people and community is our number one priority.  

If you’re experiencing any issues with your water or wastewater services, call our faults and emergencies line on 1800 057 057.


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