Warragul wastewater treatment plant upgrade

We’re upgrading the Warragul wastewater treatment plant to meet the growing town’s needs into the future.
Warragul wastewater treatment plant
Warragul wastewater treatment plant.


What we're doing 

We’re upgrading the Warragul wastewater treatment plant to meet the growing town’s needs into the future.

The upgrades include replacing ageing infrastructure to improve plant operation and increase reliability.

The works involve upgrading the aeration systems that add oxygen to treat the wastewater to improve the effectiveness of the treatment process.

We’re also replacing some ageing infrastructure including the dewatering system that removes water from the sludge.

Why we’re doing it

As Warragul grows we need to ensure that the plant continues to operate efficiently and meets increasing demand. This upgrade will meet the town’s needs as it grows into the future.

The upgrade will also ensure we continue to meet our strict environmental care expectations.

When we’re doing it

Works are expected to start mid 2024 and take up to 18 months to complete.

We’ll provide more updates on timing as the project progresses.

Most of the works will be conducted during business hours, but there may be some night and weekend work to complete works faster.

Warragul wastewater treatment plant
Treatment lagoon at the Warragul wastewater treatment plant

Fast Facts

This project will enable us to meet the demands of Warragul’s growing wastewater treatment needs into the future. The works will replace ageing infrastructure to improve plant operation and increase reliability.

Location: The works will take place at our wastewater treatment plant on Albert Road in Warragul.

Timing: Construction will start in 2024 and be completed in mid 2026. 

More information

Will the upgrade decrease odour at the site?

As part of the works we will be installing infrastructure that will capture and treat any odour.

Will there be an increase in odour while works are completed?

We don’t expect there to be odour impacts. The current odour mitigation system will remain in operation until the new odour mitigation system is installed and commissioned.

What to do if an unpleasant odour is noticed

If you believe an unpleasant odour is from the Warragul wastewater treatment plant, take note of the weather conditions (including the wind direction) and the day and time. Call us on 1800 050 500 with this information.

Will there be noise while the works are completed?

There will be some construction noise with the works being undertaken within normal business hours.