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Please note: This page does not relate to the majority of our customers. If your account number does not provide any results, this means the below information does not impact on your property.
A Water Supply Agreement allows a water authority to supply water to customers that do not reside within its water supply district.
A Water Supply Agreement does not guarantee the customer permanent access to water supply.
While the majority of Water Supply Agreements should continue uninterrupted, extreme conditions, such as prolonged drought or failing infrastructure may result in us temporarily or permanently ceasing the supply of water to properties supplied under a Water Supply Agreement, we will provide advance notice where possible.
The Agreement allows both the water corporation and the customer to cease the supply of water with six months' notice.
To find your specific Water Supply Agreement, please enter your account number exactly as it appears on your bill (eg; 0015723181)
Find my water supply agreement
Helpful diagrams
Water supply network

Private network connected to reticulation main