The dwarf kerrawang (rulingia prostrata) is a tap-rooted, prostrate shrub with trailing branches of up to two meters long. The Dwarf Kerrawang is listed as endangered nationally and in Victoria.
The alternately arranged leaves are oval shaped, up to 5cm long and 3cm wide, with toothed margins. Flowers are white or pink and appear in spring clustered at the end of stalks.
It typically grows on peaty soils on the margins of wetlands in open locations (Walsh & Entwisle 1996; James 2002).
The species was first recorded at Dutson Downs in 2007 during a flora survey by Wildlife Unlimited and the Latrobe Valley and Bairnsdale Field Naturalists Clubs (Douglas et al. 2008). It's been observed in at least 17 wetlands across the site at Dutson Downs. The number of plants observed per wetland ranges between 2 and 225 (Douglas, Nieuwland and Reside 2009).